viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Terrible Things, April Smith

April Smith es una joven cantante neoyorquina, famosa estos días porque su canción Terrible Things ha sido elegida para ser la banda sonora del nuevo Trailer de Weeds (otra de las series extrella de Showtime) lo curioso es que April afirma que la canción está inspirada por "Dexter".

Version Acustica:

Terrible Things:

if you dig under my feet
you will find things that you don't want to see
things that i hide deep down inside
a menagerie of the tragedy i caused and all of my flaws
and my demons are all that can see
then what would you do ...if you only knew

all of the things that I've done
terrible would never believe
things that I've done
Oh how you'll run
if you knew a single one
all of the things that I've done

would my face give me away
but i know it wont
cause i don't even feel
i just reflect what you expect
so you don't suspect that...
i could be exactly who i am


i know that I'm inflected
but who could have predicted
that monster that I've become
i keep things carefully covered
so no one will discover
that i could be the culprit
I'm sorry i cant help it

Myspace de April:

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